Movie Organizer

Like many of you, years ago I began a dvd hoarding frenzy.  Everyone had a wall at home dedicated to the infamous dvd collection.  When anyone came over they would immediately check out what movies were in your collection and you would chat about how much you love them.

After a while, that wall of goodies just became a major eye sore.  So you (at least I did) decided to stuff them in closets or wherever you can fit them in, but we all know how much room they actually take.  The only bad thing about that solution is that you can never find a movie when you want to watch one, and you spend at least 30 minutes trying to decide what to watch…

So I came up with a plan to find the perfect Movie Organizer.  I found this bad boy, at Target.  It fits well over 150 DVD’s in these cool Atlantic Movie Sleeves I found on Amazon.

The sleeves are a perfect fit and I love that they are clear so you can keep the DVD cover.

I also made these cool genre tabs using washi tape and printed labels.  Now when we are in the mood for a comedy, we know exactly where to look.

I just <3 my new movie organizer!! How do you organize your movie collection?  Does your family have anxiety over getting rid of the plastic boxes they come in?


4 replies on “Movie Organizer

  • Sofie

    I’m thinking of buying these movie sleeves, but have not found any answer to a big question I have, so I thought that i would try with you. When you insert the cover art, is it possible to se both the front and the back of it, or are the dvd’s in the way?

    • iselaespana

      Hi Sofi,

      Yes the dvd’s are in the way of the back artwork. 🙁 But I figured you really don’t see it much and if you need to, you can just take it out. Hope I have helped. xoxo -Isela

      • Jamie

        I love my dvd sleeves. I actually insert the dvd sleeve inside the cover art so I can view both front and back! Hope this helps!


  • Lisa

    How did you make the tabs??
    I want to duplicate this with some washi tape I have, can you please advise?



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